Thursday, January 6, 2011

"This is Not Working For Me'

You know life is complicated and I am striving to be the best at everything I do, however I am discovering most of what I do I don't even like doing.
We spend most of our lives our time pleasing and impressing others; well you know what "this is no longer working for me". My frustration comes when I expect different results from life when I keep doing the same things- definition of "insanity". It is insane of me to keep doing the same things when I know I desire things to be different in my life. At the age of 40 I am ready to be free-free from unnecessary stress, strain and struggle-keyword unnecessary. Don't get me wrong I know that these things are needed in life for growth, however I want these things to lead me to life - not loathe. I know that once I get on the path life has intended for me the stress, strain and struggle will bring me to a place of pure joy. I must grow toward my passion, my destiny and my purpose. If I continue on this present path I will allow life to suffocate me. At the end of most days I can barely breath from the mountain of frustrations that I have experienced during the day. I am determined to find "what does work for me" so can breath freely. Life is beautiful and I know it has more to offer me because I have more to offer it. I have entered another year not doing what I know I am called to do and it is slowly beginning to dim my light in this world, this is how I know it is time for change. Webster defines the word change as :to make radically different,to give a different position,to replace with another,to make a shift, to exchange to modify- all of which describes the action plan of my life that I must put into place. Sooner than later I expect to say "This is Working For Me" God has blessed me with new mercies daily and I am doing Him and this universe a disservice not living my best life, not living up to my full God given potential so let the journey begin--- yep "this is going to work for me".
God Bless you on your journey to change and finding "what works for you".


"The Purpose of Life is to Live it, to Taste Experience to the Utmost,to Reach Out Eagerly and Without Fear for New and Richer Experiences".
-----Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, October 22, 2010

How can you have a bad day everyday??

You know I know I have expressed concern about this before but it is getting worse or maybe I am witnessing it more, however I was able to get another perspective from another woman from a different race. I had a conversation with one of my Hispanic sisters of how no matter where she goes if she is being served by and African American women it is usually not a good experience. This is embarrassing but I know it to be true. I ignored the coincidences for about 3 months of most of the black women I had encountered were angry, hostile, rude, bitter, numb and I could go on.. But this concerns me this is a plague that seems to be taking over the attitudes of my sisters. I really don't know where the anger stems from and why it is directed at strangers. I understand when you have had a bad experience with someone but to have a bad day every time I see you there is no justification in that to me at all. I know we all have crappy days but make a choice and get over it. Don't make every encounter a bad encounter just because "you" are having a bad day. I have seen women come in to work angry- angry all day- leave angry and come in the next day and do it all over again. What the heck is this about?? The sad part is they are only harming themselves-physically,emotionally and spiritually as life passes them by because they are angry and have these defense mechanisms that keep good people away. I say all this to say be aware of your attitude, be aware of how we treat one another. Forgiveness is good for the soul, love is great for the spirit and these are 2 things in life we all need. I love my sisters but they need some serious attitude adjustments and if this does not pertain to you then help those that it does.. I love you with the love of Christ.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wow!! to my brothers and sisters that are interested in the dynamics of relationships, you have to see "The Diary Of A Tired Black Man" by Tim Alexander. This is a documentary that gives us a reflection of ourselves.. It answered so many questions for me and confirmed many things. Speaking from a black woman's point of view I notice on a daily basis how angry black women are and how they push their angry attitude toward you for no reason- like they go to bed angry and wake up angry and to be honest with you I am sick of it so I can't imagine how men feel. This movie has given me some insight on why there is anger toward men and women, but I still don't excuse it. I have witnessed just anger toward people period from my sisters.... I urge you to watch this film. Kudos to Tim Alexander for exposing the truth. Once you see it please let me know what you thought. I will be an advocate for this film forever. As people some of our attitudes have become a huge issue and how we relate to others. And sometimes the bitterness and hate from my sisters is just too much. I pray this movie will allow women to search deep within themeselves, stop blaming others,do the work and begin the healing journey for themselves. When you have bitterness and hate there is no room for peace.....and in all honesty nobody wants to be around people that are consitently bitter or angry no matter what race you are.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life is crazy....

I have learned life is so crazy and the events that take place from day to day will overtake you if you allow it. The most important thing that I have learned to keep my sanity is I have to put God first in my life. Not go to church or give in to traditional religious acts-but truly put God first and trust Him with all of my being.
I have to choose joy when I am angry or when my feelings get hurt. I have to choose love when I really want to slap you and curse you out. I have to choose peace when I hear the world screaming. Life is about choices-living is about choices. Choose life,choose love,choose peace. NO it is not easy it is very hard, however the choice is yours it it ours. Love like Him. Live like Him. Lead like Him.
When we choose this road we love when others don't love us back, we live like Him by sacrificing when no one else will, we lead like Him by making decisions that are not popular but they are right. What choice will you make today? Choose wisely:)

Friday, January 29, 2010

So Glad It Is Friday??What!!!!!

There has to be more to life than just waiting on Fridays,working 40 hour weeks, 2 hour daily commutes,attitudes, screaming children etc..... I will be 40 this year and this is so not how I want to spend the rest of my life doing this day in and day out waiting for retirement. I have to go higher make a commitment to myself to work toward my passion so I can enjoy life everyday. I want to go to "life" not just go to "work". Life is beautiful and I want to spend most if not all enjoying it- not dreading it. So I have decided to make a change for me, for my family. A life filled with joy will spill over to others, but a life with resentment will do the same. So the choice is mine ladies and gentlemen. It's my move----
Details to follow as I begin to "live"....

Saturday, January 23, 2010


While watching "Help Haiti Now" was so heavy and even as I weeped during the entire time I watched I still cant take in all of what really happened. Their reality is their hell right now. However it does give them an opportunity to have more than they have ever had. It is amazing how it takes a great tragedy and many sacrifices to make things better most of the the time. That country had nothing and was living on a level that was unbelievable in 2010. So this tragic event has put a spotlight on a country that needed it a long time ago, this will allow them to get better homes, water, and so much more that would have taken years or may not even had happened if not for the earthquake that took place on that day. I am embarrassed to say I did not know that Haiti was the first black independent country. This world is filled with so much history that I have know knowledge of. This gives me an opportunity to dig deep and study to find out more about this world I live in and the people in it. I want to go to Haiti to help to do whatever I can, I look at the images and I see myself, my daughter, my mom, my dad, my brother,my nieces and my heart is broken. We need to embrace the country and their people and help them heal themselves and their land. Tragedy shows how when we are in pain we are all the same- we want to be loved, helped and understood. Help your neighbor whether next door or in a land far far away because we are all one....

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I walked out of my front door this morning to find somone had eaten an entire meal and left the styrofoam container on top of the bush. RUDE, INCONSIDERATE??? You know I think the truth is they just didn't give a darn!! What is up with people and their selfish ways. I am sick of people saying well you know how people are or just ignore it or don't sweat the small stuff. By doing all of the above for so long it has allowed my people's level of ignorance to be so ridiculos and if we continue it will only get worse somone who knows something has to say something. Not saying anything only makes us just as guilty